Welcome to England
It’s not surprising that the UK remains the top worldwide destination for learning English. England has one of the longest traditions of teaching English and also has an abundance of English schools and language courses to choose from.
ELC has three delightful schools in Chester, Eastbourne and Brighton, and we are proud to officially be the No.1 group of English language schools in the UK according to EL Gazette in its review of language school groups and chains.
So far, so good. But what if, in addition to studying English in the best school, you could also brush up on the sports and activities you like the most?
The activity you love, in English
Combine the reliability of ELC’s General English courses in the mornings with the activities you love in the afternoons, three days a week.
Our English language courses are carefully organised and we are attentive to your personal progress, even when you’re studying in one of our groups. Every group will be at your level of English, so you should feel comfortable, whatever your current level.
With your English classes taken care of Monday to Friday mornings, there is time in the afternoon when you can progress from the classroom into the real world. If you happen to enjoy golf, tennis, watersports, natural health and yoga or horseriding, then you can continue your learning for three afternoons each week, by taking a General English plus activity option.
Most activities take place away from the school, where you’ll need transport to get you to the activity venue. The good news is, where you need it, all the transport is organised and paid for you. The only exception is our yoga and natural health option in Eastbourne, where the venue is just a short walk away from school.
Not only will you get professional coaching and support in your chosen activity, but you’ll also be learning more English and practising your language skills in the real world, doing something you love.