Teaching team

Claire Scott BA (Hons), DTEFLA Teacher

Photo of Claire Scott

Claire joined ELC Chester permanently in 2007. She first taught at the school in 1988 during the summer period while home from teaching in Italy. She has taught English in Italy, Turkey and Spain. She works mainly on the General English and Examination courses.

Jane Cox BEd (Hons) Teacher and 25+ Coordinator

Photo of Jane Cox

Jane joined ELC Chester in 2005. She has worked in a number of countries throughout her career including Italy, Switzerland, Singapore and Indonesia. She teaches mainly on the 25+ course, coordinating and supporting the teachers on that course.

John Marquis BA (Hons), MA Ap Ling, DELTA Teacher and Course Director

Photo of John Marquis

John joined ELC Chester in 1998 having previously taught in Japan and Poland. Before teaching he was involved in drama and stand up comedy. John is interested in using drama techniques in the classroom.

Kat Mickleson BA (Hons), CELTA Teacher and SCT Course Director

Photo of Kat Mickleson

Kat runs our Summer Course for Teenagers course in July and August, and teaches for the rest of the year. She has more than 10 years' experience and has worked in Spain and the UK.

Kerry Rimmer BA (Hons), PGCE, DTEFLA Teacher and Course Director

Photo of Kerry Rimmer

Kerry has worked at ELC Chester for more than 20 years. As well as English, she is a qualified teacher of German and French, and taught English in Germany. For part of the year Kerry works as part of the Academic Management team as a Course Director. For the rest of the year she teaches on the full range of courses.

Sarah Bryan BA (Hons), DELTA, DELTM Teacher

Photo of Sarah Bryan

Sarah joined ELC Chester in 2023. She has nearly 20 years' experience as both a teacher and an academic manager. She has worked in Mexico, Spain and the UK.

Administration team

Courtney Greene Accommodation & Welfare Officer

Photo of Courtney Greene

Courtney is the Accommodation & Welfare Officer at ELC Chester. She joined the school in 2024. She is responsible for accommodation and welfare. Together with the CEO she also leads on safeguarding.

Gabi Maraver Student Services & Operations Manager

Photo of Gabi Maraver

Gabi is the Student Services & Operations Manager at ELC Chester. She oversees the administration team in Chester and also helps marketing ELC schools. Originally from Venezuela, Gabi was a student at ELC Chester studying for Cambridge Proficiency. She then joined the school as a staff member in 2010.

Gareth Timms Social Activities Organiser

Photo of Gareth Timms

Gareth is the ELC Chester’s Social Programme Organiser. He is responsible for managing and promoting all of our social programmes.

Lucy Swinnerton Administrative Assistant

Photo of Lucy Swinnerton

Lucy provides administrative support to the team. She joined ELC Chester in 2013. She was born in Chester and has been volunteering in classrooms at local primary schools since she was 17.

Management team

Jo Whittick BA (Hons), Dip TEFLA Academic Manager

Photo of Jo Whittick

Jo joined ELC Chester in 1995 and became Academic Manager in 2009. She has taught in Portugal and speaks Portuguese fluently. Jo’s main academic interests are teaching pronunciation and professional development of academic staff.

Phil Hopkins MA (TESOL), BSc (Hons), DTEFLA Chief Executive

Photo of Phil Hopkins

Phil has overall responsibility for ELC and the 3 schools it operates. Day-to-day he is primarily responsible for strategic direction, administration and marketing. He is also the Designated Safeguarding and Prevent Lead in Chester. Phil joined ELC in 2001. He has over 35 years' experience in ELT, as a principal, academic manager, teacher trainer (CELTA and DELTA) and teacher in the UK, Greece, Spain and Kuwait.

Rachel Connabeer BA (Hons), MA TESOL, Dip TESOL Centre Manager

Photo of Rachel Connabeer

Rachel is the Centre Manager at ELC Chester and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. She joined ELC in September 2024 and has more than 25 years' experience as a teacher, academic manager and administration manager. She is the Designated Safeguarding and Prevent Leads for ELC Chester and a member of ELC Senior Management Team.