Learning English in the UK: Why bother?
Why learn English in the UK? Discover some of the top reasons to study English in different countries. What will be the best option for you? ELC Schools help you…

This blog post is part of a series of posts that aim to correct common English grammar mistakes.
Let’s move on from the apostrophes now. “Then” and “Than” look and sound very similar but they actually mean different things, but people always get them confused. “Then” is related to time and is used when something follows on from something else or happens after it.
For example -
“I will go to an English language school then I will be able to speak English” = correct
“I will go to an English language school than I will be able to speak English” = incorrect
“Than” is used when comparing one thing to another.
For example -
“That car is bigger than your car” = correct
“That car is biggerthen your car” = incorrect
Connor FitzPatrick is the newest addition to the English Language Centre Brighton and has worked within English language schools since graduating from university. One of his many jobs is ensuring all grammar and language is correct and accurate across ELC’s websites and all its social streams.Why learn English in the UK? Discover some of the top reasons to study English in different countries. What will be the best option for you? ELC Schools help you…
In our globalised world, English is the most commonly used shared language, and becoming fluent is often seen as hugely important if you want to travel, work or…